Thursday, July 31, 2008

Things I've Learned

I've been off of the blogosphere for a few days now and today I have returned and have learned a few things.

1. When my computer screen is being projected up on the big screen at church headquarters I have to be careful not to check my blog during down time because Bongo might have "M f'er" as a title on his blog post. Thanks, Bongo.

2. Jenny and NAN's dad is freakin' funny. I think we should invite him to margarita night--although I think he may try to out-drink Jenny and NAN and, quite honestly, I don't know if anyone can do that.

3. I missed Feremy Upchurch. I am glad he is back.


The Binghams said...

I am so glad the crassness of our family has made 2 of your 3 things you've learned!
I promise you, Big Guy can out drink all of us put together. I learned not to mess with him when I went to college. I still am not able to hang with the "Big Guy".

pink is the new black said...

It's true...I think Big Guy was honestly mostly drunk when we were at church functions...its just easier that way...too bad I didn't figure that out sooner because, damn, those times would have been even better...wait and I might have actually gotten kissed before I was 17!

The Robertson Family said...

Sigh. I do PR at work, and now I must do PR on the blogs as well. Always going behind someone and clarifying for the record...

So here is my clarification for this post: Angie is NOT saying she might have kissed my dad before she was 17!!!!! Our church was not a compound in South Texas where those things happen, people.

Ew. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

The Robertson Family said...

And yes, NAN and I are so proud that our family made two out of three. What does it tell you when the last people I decide to add to my blogroll are my own family members?!? Of course, Angie is practically family, so she counts.

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness...we have a funny dad, too...but not a drinkin' funny dad. WE'RE PREACHER'S DAUGHTERS, PEOPLE!!

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

Glad to have you back, Rebekah!

Jenny--thanks for clarifying on the whole "Angie kissing your dad thing." That is what I was thinking too--and yeah, I threw up a little too.

pink is the new black said...

Yeah, sorry guys, didn't mean that AT ALL! I mean, I love Big Guy, but I don't LOOOOOVVVVEEE him, ya know? And Sarah, sorry, the "we're preacher's daughters" TOTALLY DOES NOT COUNT as an excuse for not having a drinking dad...PK's are the worst...wait, so y'all would be the one's drinking...well, at least that part's true...anyway...Bek, glad to have you back, I knew you couldn't stay away!!!

Rebekah said...

I took my laptop monitor off the big screen to check blogs while the folks were blah blah blah-ing about something and I had to quit reading these comments because I was laughing and they asked me what was funny. I am ready to come home.

Leesa said...

LMAO!! You were totally busted at the meeting!

When do you return to Ft. Worth?