Saturday, May 3, 2008

Noggin 2.0

Remember how I wrote about Noggin and those in-between shows all being British? There is one about a womery where the British kids put worms in a bottle and sand and some other junk and look at them. Dumb. Anyway, today Chris and I were working in the yard and lo and behold up walks Luke with a bottle and sand and some other junk and two worms. He says, "Look Mommy! Just like on Noggin!" Great.


Sarah said...

I take offense at this entry because in your previous post I mentioned how I LOVED the wormery!! I think it's totally cooool. I am proud of Lukie!

pink is the new black said...

Dominick officially has "Wormy Winnard" give me a freaking break...don't you have enough to take care of without taking care of a worm??? UGH...yeah, you go girl, don't give into the, Noggin rocks my freaking face off