Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ode to my sister

My sister Sarah is amazing.

She is a phenomanal Assistant Principal at TWO schools. I don't know how she does it but somehow she is able to give both schools 100%. She must have super powers that give her an extra 40 hours a week so that both schools have her full-time attention instead of 50/50 attention. She loves her job and it shows in all she does.

She is an exceptional mommy. Margs is the only almost 2-year old that will sit quietly and read to herself for 20 minutes at a time. That is a direct result of my sister instilling the love of reading in her daughter at an early age. Her nursery is even decorated after one of Sarah's favorite books. The Margs also is a good eater. Coming from a mom of a bad eater, this is quite the feat. Margaret eats blackberries, ham, cucumbers--if it's on a salad bar, the big M eats it.

She is a fantastic housekeeper. I can drop by at a moment's notice and there is never a speck of unfolded laundry, random shoes, or toys laying about in her house. She has told me that she bleach cleans her bathrooms on a regular basis. I have done that maybe twice. She is the ultimate organizer. Her cabinets are amazing. Not a thing out of place. She has even come over to my house and organized closets for me--and enjoyed it! Her house is beautifully decorated and feels "lived in" at the same time.

She has the strength, courage, and faith of no one I know. My little sister has been through quite a lot in the past couple months and has risen above it all. Her faith in God and trust in His will is both something I am in awe of and something I desire in myself.

I know that most times you see the younger sister looking up to the older sister but in my family it is the opposite. My little sister is out-of-this-world amazing and I look up to her.


Sarah said...'s too late to call you to tell you how touched I am about this sweet post. I love you! And, I'm not as great a you think I am. Oh yeah, and I have always looked up to you.

pink is the new black said...

ok, that was just too sweet! Now I feel like I need a sister...or to bleach clean my bathrooms...not sure which one:)

Jennifer said...

Your sister is, indeed, amazing. I am so proud to be her friend. One thing you didn't mention is her snacks! I have been to her house 3 times now and each time, AMAZING snacks. Once the snacks were mostly for toddlers and were perfect. The next, she knew that a "Big Dr. Pepper" would be the only thing that would hit the spot - she arranged for it to happen. Finally, strawberries, chocolate chip cookies and a perfectly chilled beverage in a crystal clear, spot free, glass! I am also in awe of her.