Monday, April 21, 2008

Secrets I've Kept

So for my 2 readers I am sure that my sister knows these things about me and that Angie doesn't so the title is a bit misleading......but nonetheless:

1. I was in Brownies in elementary school and can't recall a single moment of it. Not a speck of a moment.
2. I had a "tree house" in an apple tree in my back yard from elementary school. However, the "tree house" was actually just a kitchen cabinet door laid flat and nailed to some branches of the tree so I could sit on it.
3. My sister and I would fight a lot growing up and when we had babysitters we would make lists of the bad things the other one did and threaten to show them to mom and dad when they got home.
4. I melted an orange tupperware cup in the fireplace filled with popcorn kernals trying to make popcorn on my own while my parents slept.
5. My sister punched me in the nose and made it bleed but I was so embarrassed that I told my parents I ran into a door.
6. I was the "sample girl" in the grocery store in high school. I handed out samples of Dorothy Lynch salad dressing
7. I got my foot run over by a car in college during kidnap week when a Kappa stole one of our pledge books and it happened in front of the baseball team. Soooo embarrassed. Luckily we had some Lambdas on the team. :)
8. I have a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Spanish from a private university and don't use either degree.
9. I cannot name all 50 states and tell you where they are on a map.
10. I am scared of talking to new people.


Sarah said...

I forgot you had a minor in Spanish. That's sad! But even more sad--that you cannot name all 50 states and point them out on the map. Don't you know the song "Fifty Nifty United States?" I do not remember the tree house--was that at the white house in Georgia?

Rebekah said...

I am semi-ashamed about the states thing. Chris paused the news during the weather last night and made me name all the states. It was a sad, sad display of 1st grade knowledge.

Yes, the tree house was at the parsonage in Georgia.

emily said...

something you don't know about me: singing the "Fifty Nifty United States" song to Jeremy (after a couple in Australia I have to admit) was one of the things that won his heart. He took off a couple of points because I said Or-E-gon (Oregonians hate that) but gave me extra credit because it sounded like I said "nude mexico".

Rebekah said...

oh my gosh that is so funny. I can almost see you singing it and him smiling at you!

Julie said...

I love this. We should all reveal our secrets. I feel like I know you better now, R. :) My fav is the tupperware. lol

Leesa said...

I would never have guessed that you are scared of talking to new people. My favorite, however, is the nose injury. What can I say? Misery loves company. :)

Jennifer said...

I read your blog, too. Cute tree house story. Karsen calls the "house" part of her playscape in the back yard a tree house, however there is not a tree anywhere near. I wonder if she will someday reveal that as an odd secret from her childhood.