Saturday, April 5, 2008

Red Heads are the Funniest

My son Isaac has red hair. He is small in stature. He is also the middle child. These three things add up to him needing A LOT of attention. Isaac takes full advantage of this and is our family's comic relief. Case in point--Isaac is a member of a 3 & 4-year old soccer team. He is not a player on the team because that would indicate that he actually "played". He is simply a member. During our first game he stood in the middle of the field and yawned while the game was going on around him. At last week's game he stood in the middle of the field and pulled his toboggon hat up and down over his face while saying "peek-a-boo" while the game was going on around him. This week he layed down on the edge of the field and pulled his arms and head into his shirt and just stayed there---while the game was going on around him. When I told him to get up and pull up his shorts, he pulled his shorts up to his armpits and did a little dance on the field. I looked around and both sides were laughing at him and not watching the game. One of the older siblings of a kid on our team came up and told him, "Isaac, you are my favorite person on this team because you are so funny." Isaac pulled his head out of his jersey and just smiled. It was a job well done.


Sarah said...

You Ourslers know how to make real men, don't you?

Rebekah said...


Sarah said...

Just so you know...Isaac is the funniest member of our family.