Friday, April 4, 2008

Just So You Know....

My son Luke likes to "just so you know" me all the time. Sometimes the "just so you know"s are a statement of future activity that I am actually happy to be aware of. "Mommy, 'just so you know' I am going to watch Firehouse Dog again after I get up from my nap."

Other times they are his passive agressive way of letting me know I did something wrong. "Mommy, 'just so you know' when you picked me up from school today you weren't the first one there."

And then my personal favorite, the "just so you know"s that are an argument starter. "Mommy, 'just so you know' this box here can be used for recipes and cutting bread." "No it can't Luke." "Yes it can Mommy, 'just so you know'." Forget it, I am not fighting with a 5 year old about whether a recipe box can hold cards and cut bread. But, just so you know, it can't.


Sarah said...

I "Just so you know-ed" you in my blog, Beks!

pink is the new black said...

LOVE IT! I know what to look forward to with Gwenie...maybe we should just go ahead and let them get married...we'll see...