Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oh, Isaac

Have I mentioned that Isaac is our funny one?

Tonight at dinner Isaac made his food talk to him.
"Hello, I'm Mister Pringle. Don't eat me! Augh!!!!"

Then he picked up two grapes and put them in front of his eyes.
"Hello, I have grape eyes."

Then he ate one of the grapes.
"Mmmmm, eyes taste like grapes."

Oh, Isaac. You are so funny.


Sarah said...

My all-time favorite Isaac-ism is when he named his butt-cheeks Frank and Joey...and no one knew that until he'd come up to you (without parental prompting) and ask you if you'd like to meet Frank and Joey. Pants would drop. Buns would shake. It was pretty darn funny.

pink is the new black said...

Isaac is a future stand-up commedian! OK and that story about his butt cheeks is cracking me funny is this kid? You are SOO getting calls from the teacher on this one, sorry Bek.