Thursday, June 5, 2008

Random Ramblings

Today Luke said the following to me:

"Mommy, if I had a pet monkey I would take him to Uncle Jer Bear's house and he would play the drum with two hands."

OK. Then, he immediately followed that random thought with this one:

"Mommy, if I had a pet lion, the whole family would need a sword, helmet, and shield to keep him from biting you. I wouldn't need one though because I am brave."

Did I take crazy pills this morning???


Jeremy said...

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! I invented the piano key necktie, I invented it! What have you done, Derek? You've done nothing! NOTHIIIING!

Sarah said...

He gets that kind of thinkin' from his awesome Aunt.

pink is the new black said...

probably or his really creative future mother in law:)

Leesa said...

Did you check his temperature??? :)

Rebekah said...


Leesa said...

Thought you'd appreciate the concern, there. :)