Monday, April 7, 2008

Spousal Cage Match

Tell me, do you ever have a secret battle with your spouse? My husband and I have these frequently. Most of the time he is oblivious to the fact that we are engaged in this secret battle---which makes it even more secret. The latest battle involved the fact that there was a business card for a cleaning lady that was laying face down on the floor of our garage. We had never used this cleaning lady and quite frankly, I don't know where the card came from. Anyway, Chris and I both walked by/over this card for upwards of 2 weeks. I refused to pick it up because in my head, Chris walked over it more times then I did since he had to go in the garage every day to go to work. Each time I walked out to the garage and saw it still there I would get ticked off and think, "Lazy Chris. He walked over this card today and didn't even take time to pick it up." Then I would walk over it and go to the van. Finally, after 2 weeks of this secret fight, I gave in and picked up the card and threw it away. That night, while we were getting ready for bed, I asked Chris, "Did you see that I picked up that card in the garage today? You win." To which he responded, "What card?" He is the champion.


Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Oh my goodness are going to have a heart attack if you keep things like that all bottled up inside. That's like the time you had a secret battle with Jeremy about the Coke can... and he had no idea he had left it out at your house. You're so dad. You make me laugh.

pink is the new black said...

You go girl...I have secret battles like this ALL the time with Seth...usually I will end up saying something though and then he wins because we actually fight it keep the good fight!

Kathryn said...

That is so funny! Sounds like something that would go on in my house. :)

Julie said...

LOL!!!!! These kinds of things occur at the Riggins house ALL the time. I just seem to get pissed. HAH. Brad and I always joke..."so where's the little yellow pad where we are keeping score...go find it and mark me DOWN!"